Our Story

Our mission

Close the Gap was established in 2003 with the vision of bridging the digital divide in emerging and developing countries across the globe.

We have already received more than 1 673 488 ICT devices to date and reached more than 6 168 115 beneficiaries.

IT Refur­bishing

Wipe, Inspect, Con­figure

Close the Gap collects pre-owned computers from organisations and partners with organisations to wipe, inspect, and configure them for end-users' needs. The equipment is then used to support education, medical, entrepreneurial and social projects.


With World­loop

To ensure the proper management of e-waste in developing countries, Close the Gap created an environmentally sound e-waste system – WorldLoop.

Digital Inclu­sion

Enhanc­ing Lives

We foster innovation and entrepreneurship through our innovation challenges and programmes. These give entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop their ideas which provide digital solutions for issues affecting society.

Social Entre­­pre­neur­­ship

Growth Development

Close the Gap supports social entrepreneurship through the Impact Accelerator Fund as well as Close the Gap Hubs.

Meet Our Team

Shaping Tomorrow

An independent Board of Directors advises and guides Close the Gap’s Managing Director, while a distinguished Board of Recommendation endorses and promotes its mission. Leveraging their expertise and networks, our advisors help expand projects and partnerships.

Our Power­ful Net­work

Across The World

To increase our social impact across the world, we have established hubs in Belgium, Kenya and South Africa.


Close the Gap began in Belgium with a mission to build a network of companies dedicated to donating IT equipment. We also support local projects with a focus on digital inclusion and actively share knowledge and expertise with innovation hubs across Africa.


We’re strengthening our social enterprise positioning in Africa, where our impact is most needed. Close the Gap Hub in Mombasa and Circular Economy Hub in Nairobi have been launched to ensure accessibility of digital solutions.

South Africa

With a vast amount of our activities taking place in Southern Africa, we are reinforcing our ITAD and Social Enterprise positioning by connecting our African and European Hubs.

Demo­cratic Republic of the Congo

In a joint venture with Texaf-Digital, we are helping to build a future where every Congolese can actively participate in the global digital economy.