A digital multimedia library!

March 4, 2020

We are taking you to Sao Tomé e Principe, a small African island close to the equator, where we supported the Alliance Française with our refurbished ICT devices. In total, the organization received 20 computers for the installation of a multimedia library in a school.

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A digital multimedia library in São Tomé e Príncipe.

Off to São Tomé e Príncipe, where the Alliance française is an association under local law that aims to disseminate the French language and francophone culture in the country. It offers French courses, cultural activities and a resource center in French to achieve this goal. With more than 1,000 students enrolled in its courses each year, the Alliance française is the only French language center in the country and is recognized for its pedagogical know-how. Its cultural programming initiative promotes Santomean and Francophone artists. The Alliance française is also a resource center where the public can consult the press, television or books in French.

The Alliance française belongs to the network of the Fondation Alliance française, which includes more than 850 establishments worldwide. It is supported by the Embassy of France in Gabon and São Tomé and Príncipe for its functioning.

The Alliance decided to modernize their media library and focus it mainly on the learning public and youth. Several actions were implemented for this:

  • transition to digital: acquisition of computer equipment (tablets and computers) in order to provide access to more up-to-date and diverse resources (Culturethèque, periodicals, specialist journals, etc.).
  • computer training and training in the use of digital resources/documentary research for staff and the public (learners, artists, general public) will be organized.
  • refurbishment of the premises: modern and functional furniture. Creation of a youth area (comfortable furniture and renewal of the collection) and a learning area (internet access, computers, updated learner's library, shelves).
  • team training: digital, mediation and animation training.
  • new staff missions: activities for young people and schoolchildren, specialized computer training, support for the public in using resources, cultural programming, support for learners in independent or complementary French learning, etc.
  • cultural and educational activities: enhancement of the new space with new activities based on digital technology and new resources.

In total, they received 20 computers. The first use of some of the computers (7)was to equip the new teachers' room in the heart of the media library. The other computers equip the classrooms and the media library.

"I've been lucky enough to follow this project from the beginning. The arrival of the computers was already part of the realization stage. It was with great pleasure that we presented the teachers with their new fully equipped work room. We are fully aware of the difference it makes for them. Indeed, many of them do not have a personal computer or internet access. At the Alliance Française they have a work space adapted to their needs. We will be able to take advantage of this same space for the realization of computer training courses. They will benefit both our team to better accompany our public, our teachers to perfect their teaching methods, the artists we accompany in their approach to the diffusion of their art, and we have the ambition to expand these training courses as much as possible.

The second stage of the project will be the equipment of our new media library. Thus, French language learners but also young self-entrepreneurs who attend our media library will have optimal study and working conditions." Lauriane Chanel, culture and communication coordinator at the Alliance Française de Sao Tomé et Principe.

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