Closer look at a project: Kinshasa Digital Academy!

July 8, 2022

We continue to bridge the digital divide. Doing so, our donated and refurbished IT gets distributed across multiple valuable projects and initiatives around the globe. Today we would like to introduce you to one of these initiatives: Kinshasa Digital Academy.

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Kinshasa Digital Academy offers high-end specialist and digital marketing courses to all people interested in Kinshasa or Goma, D. R. Congo. The programme lasts 9 months, followed by an internship of 3 or 6 months. Kinshasa Digital Academy prepares its students for jobs at the most high-end companies. They contacted us for low-cost, high-quality IT devices to facilitate their program and we were of course glad to be of service.

Embarking on an educational journey with Kinshasa Digital!

The Academy received more than 160 IT devices among which laptops, headsets, projectors and monitors! The devices will be used by the learners at the academy who are on average 24 years old and live in Kinshasa and Goma. By using the IT devices, the students can really put into practice what they have learned during their training period.

Student at work at the Kinshasa Digital Academy.

One of the students, Marina Pholo Nkadi, told us the following: "I am one of the students in the Kinshasa Digital Academy, following the Digital Marketing prograe. I received a computer and a headset which enable me to do personal work and research to better my education."