Let's look at the Lake Bunyonyi Project, an initiative of Leraars Zonder Grenzen (Teachers Without Borders)! At Close the Gap we were happy to support this initiative by providing refurbished smartphones and laptops. Lake Bunyonyi is a crater lake in southern Uganda on the border with Rwanda and Congo, at 1,632 m altitude. Amid this lake, Bwama Island is located. The high school built on this island welcomes students from the region, and from the villages on the surrounding hills, boys and girls come to school by water. Many young people stay overnight at the school because the crossing is expensive and sometimes dangerous. With the small-scale Lake Bunyonyi Project, Leraars zonder grenzen wants to support this secondary school so that the poorest youth from the surrounding villages have better opportunities to develop. While their immediate goals apply to the renovation of buildings and the improvement of the sanitary situation, their longer-term aspiration is to increase the self-reliance of the young people with educational projects such as, for example, a school vegetable garden. We were most happy to support them with the provision of IT equipment and wish them the best of success in the expansion of both the school and the curriculum of learning possibilities available!