Our Digitruck in Senegal!

October 10, 2023

Find out more about our Digitruck touring around in Senegal!

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Transforming individual experiences in Dakar!

As of August 2023, our Digitruck in Senegal has trained over 500 young people across six communities in Dakar. Over the next three years, we aim to expand our reach, empowering more than 5,000 beneficiaries with essential digital skills. This Digitruck is made possible through our partnership with Huawei and enables learners in Senegal to enroll in digital literacy and robots training courses.

Testimonials from participants highlight the transformative impact of the program, from gaining digital literacy to unlocking new economic opportunities. Beyond individual growth, the project also fosters stronger community engagement and enhanced social cohesion, creating lasting benefits that extend far beyond the classroom.

Learners attending digital skills courses inside the Digitruck.

Using our refurbished hardware during class.

Local trainers giving help and support to boost digital literacy among the Digitruck participants.