Overcoming auditory barriers in Porto-Novo!

April 6, 2023

Close the Gap was pleased to provide 15 computers to L’Ecole des Sourds de Louho in Porto-Novo! This school focuses on an integrated education system welcoming hearing-impaired students together with other students attending school. We are most grateful to assist them in their renewal of computers and are happy to shed light on the wonderful initiative they are pursuing.

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L’Ecole des Sourds de Louho is an integrated school located in Porto-Novo, Bénin, that organizes education for both hearing and hearing-impaired students through a blended way of instructing. As a part of the work of Asunoes, Association Universelle d’Œuvres pour L’Épanouissement des Sourds, the school offers courses that are simultaneously given in sign language as well as the French language. As such, it allows students coping with hearing disabilities to overcome auditory barriers and to take part in classes like and with all other pupils. By surpassing the distinction among its students, the school aims at equal education for all and at creating a place where they can learn together, from, and with each other.

Learning together in a supportive environment.

Pupils in class using laptops for school projects and learning.

While their hearing impairment disconnects them from others, computer assets can be a channel through which students can express themselves to their friends and surroundings. Acknowledging the helpfulness of assets to this school, Close the Gap was pleased to donate 15 laptops to this beautiful initiative in Porto-Novo. The devices thereby allowed the replacement of the outdated equipment the school relied on. We wish to express our thanks to the BNP Paribas Fortis Foundation for connecting us with this initiative. They linked us to this school that cherishes inclusion and education and arranged the donation of materials on their behalf.