A closer look at a project: MIT ReACT

February 21, 2022

Let's take a closer look to a very special project that Close the Gap has been able to support: MIT ReACT.

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MIT ReACT, which stands for MIT Refugee Action Hub, is an institute-wide effort at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop global education programs that target the needs of undeserved communities, including refugees, migrants, and economically disadvantaged populations.

Through providing personal and digital academic support and connecting participants to paid internships, MIT ReACT's learning model aims to help learners from undeserved communities everywhere advance academic and professional careers.

Meet Jean-Pierre, Alida & Celse

Kathlynn, the local representative for Close the Gap in South Africa, got the chance to meet Jean-Pierre, Alida and Celse. They are three learners who are engaged in the MIT ReACT programme and Kathlynn delivered laptops to each of them. The three of them are refugees from Congo and Burundi and are studying computer and data science at MIT.

A dream to come true!

Kathlynn enjoyed meeting them all while listening to their fascinating (yet touching) stories. The laptop was "a dream come true" for Alida; it had "a real impact" on Jean-Pierre's life and brought a smile to Celse's face again.

We wish the MIT ReACT learners the best of luck in their courses and on their future endeavours!